The Leader of the County Council is required to publish a forward plan setting out matters which the Leader believes will be the subject of a key decision by the Cabinet, individual Cabinet member or officer in the period covered by the Plan (the subsequent four months). The Council’s Constitution states that a key decision is one that involves


(a)    expenditure which is, or the making of savings which are, significant having regard to the expenditure of the County Council’s budget, namely above £500,000 per annum; or


(b)    is significant in terms of its effects on communities living or working in an area comprising two or more electoral divisions.


As a matter of good practice, the Council's Forward Plan includes other items in addition to key decisions that are to be considered by the Cabinet/individual members. This additional information is provided to inform local residents of all matters to be considered, with the exception of issues which are dealt with under the urgency provisions.  Only key decisions to be taken by officers are included.


For each decision included on the Plan the following information is provided:


-          the name of the individual or body that is to make the decision and the date of the meeting or relevant time period for an officer decision

-          the title of the report and decision to be considered

-          groups that will be consulted prior to the decision being taken

-          a list of documents that will be considered when making the decision

-          the name and telephone number of the contact officer for each item.


The Plan is updated and published every month on the Council’s website two weeks before the start of the period to be covered.


Meetings of the Cabinet/individual members are open to the public (with the exception of discussion regarding reports which contain exempt/confidential information). Copies of agenda and reports for meetings are available on the website in advance of meetings. Key decisions taken by officers will not be taken at a meeting – documents listed can be made available on request to the contact officer, with the exception of those which contain exempt/confidential information.


For further details on the time of meetings and general information about the Plan please contact Stuart McKeown at County Hall, St Anne’s Crescent, Lewes, BN7 1UE, or telephone 01273 481583 or send an e-mail to stuart.mckeown@eastsussex.gov.uk.  For further detailed information regarding specific issues to be considered by the Cabinet, individual Member or officer please contact the named contact officer for the item concerned.


County Hall, St Anne’s Crescent, Lewes, BN7 1UE 


For copies of reports or other documents please contact the officer listed on the Plan or phone 01273 335274.



FORWARD PLAN – EXECUTIVE DECISIONS (including Key Decisions) –1 July 2024 TO 31 October 2024

Additional notices in relation to Key Decisions and/or private decisions are available on the Council’s website.


Cabinet membership:


Councillor Keith Glazier - Lead Member for Strategic Management and Economic Development

Councillor Nick Bennett – Lead Member for Resources and Climate Change

Councillor Penny di Cara – Lead Member for Economy

Councillor Claire Dowling  – Lead Member for Transport and Environment

Councillor Carl Maynard  – Lead Member for Adult Social Care and Health

Councillor Bob Bowdler – Lead Member for Children and Families

Councillor Bob Standley – Lead Member for Education and Inclusion, Special Educational Needs and Disability


Date for Decision

Decision Taker

Decision/Key Issue

Decision to be taken wholly or partly in private (P)  or Key Decision (KD)



List of Documents to be submitted to decision maker

Contact Officer


Between  10 Jul 2024 and 23 Jul 2024

Director of Children's Services


Request for Waiver - Direct Award of a contract without competition - South Brockwells Farm

This request is for the Director of Children’s Services to approve a Direct Award Contract for South Brockwells Farm to provide teachers/tutors for children and young people on the Interim Provision Service (IPS) caseload. This is to be awarded for a short duration and is proposed as an interim measure until the requirement can be delivered via the Education Department’s upcoming Preferred Supplier Approved List. 







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Jane Flock





15 Jul 2024

Lead Member for Transport and Environment


Petition: For East Sussex County Council to agree to proceed without further delay to proceed with our simple and affordable 20mph safety scheme, which requires just the change of signage

To consider the petition asking that the County Council change the existing 30mph speed limit in Burwash High Street to a 20mph speed limit.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Kelly Burr

01273 482824




15 Jul 2024

Lead Member for Transport and Environment


Proposed update to the East Sussex Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP)

Approve the updated East Sussex BSIP.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Craig Lamberton

01273 337 525




15 Jul 2024

Lead Member for Transport and Environment


School Streets - results of the consultation and next steps

To note the feedback from the co-design work with the school community on the three school streets schemes at; All Saints CE Primary, Bexhill, Southover CE Primary, Lewes and Langney Primary, Eastbourne, and the results of the public consultation undertaken between 10 May- 31 May 2024. To consider construction of the three school streets schemes (including advertising the Experimental Traffic Regulation Order).







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Lisa Simmonds

0345 608 0190




15 Jul 2024

Lead Member for Transport and Environment


Hastings Town Centre Public Realm and Green Connections consultation

To note the outcomes of the Hastings Town Centre Public Realm and Green Connections public consultation and to approve proceeding to detailed design.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Ellie McDaniel

01273 335464




15 Jul 2024

Lead Member for Transport and Environment


Petition: Zebra crossing in Green Street, Eastbourne

To consider a petition for a zebra crossing, bollards and repairs to road surface in Green Street, Eastbourne.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Clare Akehurst

0345 60 80 193




15 Jul 2024

Lead Member for Resources and Climate Change


To approve the granting of a new Lease to the Trustees of the West Hills & District Community Centre

The current Lease dated 12 March 2008 expires 11 March 2023 and it is proposed that ESCC grant the Trustees a new Lease for a period of 25 years which will allow the Trustees to be able to seek grant funding.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Joanne Johnston, Zoe Tweed

01273 336621, 07701 021868




15 Jul 2024

Lead Member for Resources and Climate Change


Land known as Site 6, Easter Island Place, Eastbourne

Decision regarding the Council’s recommended property strategy.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Rebecca Lewis

07955 312 371




15 Jul 2024

Lead Member for Resources and Climate Change


Provision of Electricity and Gas

This decision is seeking approval for East Sussex County Council’s purchasing and invoicing of gas and electricity. It will set out procurement for schools and non-schools portfolio.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Andrea Shearing

07552 286716




16 Jul 2024



Internal Audit Annual Report and Opinion 2023/24

To note the Internal Audit Service’s Opinion on the Council’s control environment







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Nigel Chilcott

01273 481992




16 Jul 2024



Ashdown Forest Trust Fund 2023/24

To inform Cabinet of the movements on the Trust Fund during 2023/24 and the closing position as at 31 March 2024.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Jill Fisher

01273 482542




16 Jul 2024



Local Government Association (LGA) Peer Challenge of Adult Social Care

The Council commissioned an LGA Peer Challenge Review of Adult Social Care in February 2024 as part of its preparation for assessment by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).  The report to Cabinet summarises the findings from the LGA review and asks Cabinet to agree the action plan that ASCH have drawn up to address areas for development or strengthening performance.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Mark Stainton

01273 481238




16 Jul 2024



Carriageway Patching Report

To consider investing an additional £1.0m in carriageway patching. The Council’s budget for patching is approximately £1.0m per annum and is used to maintain those sections of road that require greater intervention than pothole repairs as well as address those potholes and defects that don’t meet the Council’s intervention criteria for repair from the revenue budget. There is currently a backlog of patching equating to approximately £3.0m.









Report, other documents may also be submitted


Karl Taylor

01273 482207




19 Jul 2024

Lead Member for Strategic Management and Economic Development


Sussex Integrated Care Strategy Shared Delivery Plan (SDP) year 2 refresh

To enable consideration and agreement of the year 2 refresh of the joint Sussex Shared Delivery Plan (SDP). This will focus on content as it relates to delivering the agreed East Sussex County Council and NHS priorities for the population of East Sussex in the Sussex Integrated Care Strategy and the East Sussex Health and Care Partnership plans.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Vicky Smith

01273 482036




23 Jul 2024

Lead Member for Adult Social Care and Health


Homes for Ukraine - Extension of Support into Work Programme

The Lead Member is asked to approve a 12 month extension to the Support into Work programme which is being delivered as part of the Homes for Ukraine Programme. Support into Work provides skills and employability training, language courses and supports access to local employment for Ukrainian guests and other migrant, refugee and asylum seeker groups living in East Sussex.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Pippa Mabey, Mark Hendriks

01273 335506,




25 Jul 2024

Lead Member for Education and Inclusion, Special Educational Needs and Disability


2024-2030 Excellence For All

For the Lead Member to approve the updated content of the Excellence For All 2024-2030 strategy.

This iteration of Excellence For All will look ahead to 2030. It will guide the service’s work as a division and the work of the Joint, Primary and Secondary boards. It will also be a key driver in the service’s wider partnership work with colleagues.






Report, other documents may also be submitted


Bethan Twigg

07557 203791




July 2024

Chief Operating Officer


Provision of Water, Wastewater and Ancillary Services

Contracts for businesses and public organisations are available for the invoicing of fresh water and waste water. This decision is seeking approval for a contract for East Sussex County Council in regard to the above services.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Andrea Shearing

07552 286716




August 2024

Chief Operating Officer


Planned Maintenance Contractor Framework 2024-2028 (re-procurement)

Decision to procure a contractor framework to provide planned maintenance services to undertake works to council owned property for East Sussex County Council and other named partners including Brighton & Hove City Council. This procurement is to replace an existing framework which is due to complete its term in August 2024.The framework will cover a number of Lots. (Lots are categories of work types and project values). Individual Lots listed as follows: Lot A - Mechanical Services, Lot B - Electrical Services, Lot C - Roofing Works, Lot D - Building Works up to £100k, Lot E - Building Works Generally above £100k - £250k, Lot F - Building Works Generally above £250k - £1m, Lot G - Asbestos Removal - Planned and Reactive Works.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Nigel Brown

07394 410630




August 2024

Chief Operating Officer


Award of Phase 2 property contract for Adult Social Care's Supported Living Programme (Jasmine)

A decision is required to enter into a negotiated building contract with a contractor procured following the administration of Westridge in August 2023.The capital project seeks to extend and redevelop 2 Adult Social Care properties. This decision is for Jasmine Lodge, Northiam in Phase 2. Project description- Phase 2: Reconfiguration and extension of 1 Bungalow to provide ensuite facilities for residents. This reflects a change from residential care to supported living offering people a home with security of tenure.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Nigel Brown

07394 410630




August 2024

Chief Operating Officer


Award of Phase 2 property contract for Adult Social Care's Supported Living Programme (Grangemead)

A decision is required to enter into a negotiated building contract with a contractor procured following the administration of Westridge in August 2023.The capital project seeks to extend and redevelop 2 Adult Social Care properties.  This decision is for Grangemead, Hailsham in Phase 2. Project description- Phase 2: Remodelling of Grangemead vacant wing to create 7 self-contained flats with access to appropriate support.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Nigel Brown

07394 410630




3 Sep 2024

Lead Member for Resources and Climate Change


New property arrangements for Rye Sports Centre

To agree new 20 year Lease Agreement between East Sussex County Council and Rye Town Council and under lease by Rye Town Council to the Rye Recreation and Wellbeing Community Interest Company. This is to enable the continuation of the curriculum and community use of Rye Sports Centre and swimming pool.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Nigel Brown, Pauline Young

07394 410630, 01273 481180




10 Sep 2024

Lead Member for Education and Inclusion, Special Educational Needs and Disability


West Rise Community Infant School and West Rise Junior School

To update the Lead Member on the outcome of a consultation on the proposed amalgamation of West Rise Community Infant School and West Rise Junior School and to seek approval for next steps.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Gary Langford

01273 481758




17 Sep 2024

Lead Member for Strategic Management and Economic Development


Local Growth Fund - Eastbourne and South Wealden Walking and Cycling Package (ESWWCP)

To note and approve the revised Eastbourne and South Wealden Walking and Cycling Package in line with the previous South East Local Enterprise Partnership Accountability Board reporting protocol.






Lead Member for Transport and Environment – January 2024. (support)

Eastbourne Borough Council (support)

Wealden District Council (support)

Team East Sussex (Endorsed January 2024)

Report, other documents may also be submitted


Tracy Vaks

01273 482123




23 Sep 2024

Lead Member for Transport and Environment


Response to Defra consultations on implementing Schedule 3 of the Flood and Water Management Act 2010

Under the Flood and Water Management Act 2010, East Sussex County Council became the Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) for the county.  The LLFA role includes a statutory consultee to major planning applications.  Parts of the Flood and Water Management Act have never been implemented and this includes Schedule 3, which will introduce additional duties and burdens to the County Council, including the statutory role of Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) Approval Body and Adopting Authority.  The Government has recently indicated its intention to implement Schedule 3 and is due to consult on a series of documents in Autumn 2023, which will set out how Schedule 3 will work in practice, as well as setting out matters such as proposed transitional arrangements and any new burdens monies. The report to the Lead Member will set out the County Councils proposed response to this consultation.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Ed Sheath

01273 481632




23 Sep 2024

Lead Member for Transport and Environment


Petition for the construction of a pedestrian crossing on the B2096 Battle Road outside Punnetts Town Community Primary School

To consider the petition asking that the County Council constructs a pedestrian crossing on the B2096 Battle Road outside Punnetts Town Community Primary School to assist children to safely cross the road from the car park to the school.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Helen Clee

0345 6080193




26 Sep 2024



Local Transport Plan 4 - adoption

To note the feedback from the draft strategy public consultation period (27 November 2023 – 25 February 2024) and the subsequent updates to the Local Transport Plan 4 following this consultation period. To seek adoption of the East Sussex Local Transport Plan 4.






Report, other documents may also be submitted


Lisa Simmonds

0345 608 0190




26 Sep 2024



East Sussex Economic Prosperity Strategy 2024 - 2050

Cabinet  is recommended to review and endorse the new East Sussex Economic Prosperity Strategy, developed in partnership with Team East Sussex (TES), the public/private de facto growth board for the county.  Cabinet is asked to recommend to Full Council that the Strategy be approved.

It fulfils the responsibility of strategic economic planning placed upon East Sussex County Council following transfer of Local Enterprise Partnership functions to locally democratic institutions.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Katy Thomas

01273 482645




26 Sep 2024



Annual progress report on becoming a carbon neutral Council

The County Council provides a report annually on its progress towards the target of achieving carbon neutrality from its activities as soon as possible and in any event by 2050.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Andy Arnold

01273 481606




26 Sep 2024



Council Monitoring Quarter 1

To consider the Council Monitoring report for the first quarter of the financial year 2024/25 as part of the Council's Reconciling Policy, Performance and Resources (RPPR) budget monitoring process.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Victoria Beard

07894 708914




15 Oct 2024

Lead Member for Resources and Climate Change


County Hall campus - asset review

As part of the Council’s Asset Management Plan 2020-2025, the Council has been undertaking a review of its office accommodation.  It’s Hastings and Eastbourne offices review and implementation are now complete.  An independent review of the County’s largest asset at County Hall, including Westfield House is completed and the findings of this will be set out for the Lead Member to decide on the way forward.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Nigel Brown

07394 410630

